Bula Everyone
You might be aware of our $349 website in 24 hours deal by now. Lot of companies have already signed up and taking advantage of this plan.
We received allot of questions regarding this service, here are few which we would like to highlight.
- Why is it so cheap?
- Is it Good Quality?
- Are there any hidden cost?
- How long is this sale for?
- Do I need to be an expert to manage this?
I personally have enjoyed answering the questions we received.
No# quality,
All our Sites are Pre Designed and are quality checked before they are provided to our clients. We have a master framework which our client have access too. It includes all the Features of the standard Quality website.
What is the Difference between these Services and why is it so cheap.
Well first of all “Cheap” is not the word we will use for this but Affordable. Most of the media companies charge a standard price for a standard website ranging from of 2000-8000. This is Fair price as they are custom design and developed and takes a lot of expertise. Anything cheaper than that would be crappy service for Custom Designed Websites.
The Idea of this Turnkey Service came from our Director. Bulawebs received more than 100 quotation request from smaller companies who wanted to show off their products to their clients. After quoting them a standard price in the 4 digit range, most of them gave up hope.
To Boost Fiji’s trade we needed to take a step by providing companies with lower annual turnover a chance to have their website hosted at the most affordable rates. This will help locals to use web for its greater purpose in Fiji.
Hidden Web Design Cost
There is no hidden cost involved. What you see is what you pay. Please note you will have to pay standard hosting and Domain Renewal.
How long is this sale for?
The sale will go on for some time now.
Do I need to be an expert to manage this?
Absolutely NOT, as we say, our Web Site Management System is “Granny System”